Terror at Collinwood Episode 97: Kingdom of the Dead Big Finish Audio Drama with Eric Wallace & Stuart Manning
Kingdom of the Dead is a four-part, full cast Dark Shadows audio drama released by Big Finish in 2010. The story features new supernatural adversaries such as Seraph (David Warner) and Dr. Rankin (Lysette Anthony) as well as many established DS characters such as Barnabas (Andrew Collins), Angelique (Lara Parker), Quentin (David Selby), Maggie (Kathryn Leigh Scott), Willie (John Karlen), and more! Visiting the podcast to discuss this popular Big Finish audio release are its co-writers, Eric Wallace (The Flash, Eureka, Z Nation, Teen Wolf) and Stuart Manning (Big Finish Dark Shadows and Doctor Who audio dramas, Remembering Jon Pertwee, Doctor Who Magazine, Daytime Gothic). Listen to the creators of this epic DS story as they revisit the ins and outs of its plot and talk about what went into putting it together. Additional topics of conversation include: Creative influence of DS on Eric, followup thoughts on the end of DS as a TV series, Stuart clears up the misconception about "who kept the tapes". NOTE: The VIDEO version of this episode on YouTube includes many previously unseen photos of the Big Finish DS cast and crew. These were taken at the recording sessions during the making of Kingdom of the Dead. A few were also snapped during the recordings for London's Burning and The Night Whispers. Many thanks to Stuart Manning for sending these photos along. Pictures were taken by Eric Wallace, Darren Gross, and Stuart Manning.
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Terror at Collinwood Episode 32: The Leviathans with Rick Lai and Stephen Mark Rainey
The deeply fascinating but oft-maligned Leviathans arc is the focus of this episode. Acclaimed authors Stephen Mark Rainey and Rick Lai visit the podcast to discuss and analyze this Dark Shadows storyline, while also looking at its inspirations. Other topics include Mark’s official work on the Dark Shadows Big Finish audio plays and the DS novel ‘Dreams of the Dark’, and Rick’s intriguing essay on the Leviathans as well as some of his fictional tales that incorporate nods to DS.
Note: Apologies for the audio issues near the end of this episode.
Terror at Collinwood Episode 22: Daytime Gothic with Stuart Manning
Graphic designer, Big Finish audio producer, and writer Stuart Manning visits the podcast to discuss his upcoming 'Dark Shadows' print fanzine 'Daytime Gothic'. Other topics include Stuart's work on the Big Finish DS audio dramas, the Dark Shadows News Page, the Dark Shadows Journal, Stuart's introduction to DS, the Burton film, DS in the UK, and much, much more!