Terror at Collinwood Episode 06: LGBT+DS Fan Pride Celebration Special

Dark Shadows has a huge following among LGBT+ fans, and this episode celebrates that fact with fun and insightful audio clips from passionate LGBT 'Dark Shadows' fans who express why DS resonates so strongly with them, and why they love the show so much. Featuring: Peter Mac, John Dimes, Bobby Lugosi, David-Elijah Nahmod, John Faust, and Julie M. Grizzle.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 05: Talking DS and Filmmaking with Ansel Faraj

Rondo Award-winning filmmaker Ansel Faraj visits with Penny to discuss his filmmaking experiences and influences, as well as many other Dark Shadows-related topics such as working with the DS stars, info on the 'Night of Dark Shadows' restoration project, what happened with the Burton film, not giving up on 'Dark Shadows: Reincarnation', trying to categorize the classic series, and tons of references to horror movies, TV shows, plays, and stories. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There's a lot of info packed into this episode!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 02: Victoria Winters' Search and Burke Devlin's Revenge with Eric Marshall

Artist and writer Eric Marshall joins Penny for episode two of Terror at Collinwood. They examine Dark Shadows’ earliest Pre-Barnabas storylines & characters as they discuss Victoria Winters’ search for her parentage, Burke Devlin’s quest for revenge, and the death of Bill Malloy. They also take several side trips into other storylines and touch on topics such as whether or not a Dark Shadows remake could actually work.

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