Terror at Collinwood Episode 106: The Dark Shadows Podcast of Questions & Answers Volume 4
A somewhat salty, and possibly insane, Penny Dreadful addresses another batch of DS continuity, plot, character, and canon questions in this episode, inspired by Dale Clark’s wonderful Dark Shadows Books of Questions and Answers which were published between 1989 and 1995. In this installment, the following questions are addressed: Would Julia’s treatments have permanently cured Barnabas? When Barnabas is in his coffin during the day, is he sleeping and can he be awakened? How does Laura Collins “work”? Was Barnabas destroyed at the end of House of Dark Shadows? Where were Gerard’s pirates in 1840? Stagehands in the shot? Mic shadows, boom mics, and cameras in the shot?
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Terror at Collinwood Episode 92: Fanfic and Fandom with Jimmy Hutcheson
The irrepressible Jimmy Hutcheson is a stalwart Dark Shadows fan from Texas who wrote fan fiction and articles for DS fanzines such as Inside the Old House and The World of Dark Shadows. A regular attendee at Dark Shadows Festivals, Seaview Terrace parties, and pop culture events, Jimmy developed friendships with the likes of Lara Parker (Angelique from Dark Shadows) and Jonathan Harris (Dr. Zachary Smith from Lost in Space). In this episode, Jimmy shares some of his fandom memories and reads his fascinating DS fanfic story, ‘An Encounter’, originally published in Inside the Old House issue 44, November/December 1993. Other topics include: Lost in Space and Jonathan Harris, Godzilla, I-Ching wands, the 1991 Dark Shadows series, friendship with ITOH editor Dale Clark, and more!
Be sure to subscribe FREE at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Terror at Collinwood Episode 80: The Monsters of Dark Shadows with Jeff Owens and Steven Turek
Over the course of its five-year run, Dark Shadows featured several classic monster archetypes which were drawn from the pantheon of supernatural horror and folklore. Visiting Terror at Collinwood for an overview of these dark and shadowy creatures are writer and podcaster Jeff Owens, co-host of the Classic Horrors Club Podcast, and podcaster Steven Turek, host of the DieCast Movie Podcast! Longtime Monster Kids and fans of DS, Jeff and Steven join Penny to share their thoughts about the various monsters of DS!
Terror at Collinwood Episode 58: Donna Wandrey Interview – Dark Shadows Actress – Roxanne Drew
Actress Donna Wandrey is best known to ‘Dark Shadows’ fans for her portrayal of the mysterious Roxanne Drew in 1970 Parallel Time as well as her even more mysterious counterpart in the show’s main time-band. With an extensive background in theatre and television that includes plays such as ‘The Norman Conquests’ and TV series such as ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’, Donna is a prolific actress who continues to perform in shows like the upcoming online production of ‘New York Stories’ on July 22 and 23, 2023. She visits ‘Terror at Collinwood’ to discuss her recent play ‘Fastened to the Moon’, and also shares many wonderful memories of her time on Dark Shadows!